CostMusic Group Announces Strategic Partnership with Beasova Corporation

Beasova Corporation


CostMusic Group

Beasova & CostMusic

Beasova & CostMusic

International Partnership

PONDICHERRY, PUDUCHERRY, INDIA, June 11, 2024 / — CostMusic Group, a leading name in the Italian music industry, is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Beasova Corporation, an international organization renowned for its diverse portfolio and excellence in various sectors. This collaboration, centered in India, aims to enhance music experiences and services, offering new opportunities for artists and music labels.

About the Partnership

The partnership between CostMusic Group and Beasova Corporation will focus on expanding the reach and influence of both companies’ music labels in India. This collaboration will enable the sharing of resources and expertise to deliver innovative music production, distribution, and live events.

New Opportunities in India

– CostMusic Group, in collaboration with Beasova Music, will offer unique and enriching music experiences, innovative production, and distribution services, alongside engaging live events for the Indian audience.

– The strengthened partnership will enhance Beasova Music’s presence in India, providing advanced music production and distribution services, and captivating live events for the Indian audience.

Founders’ Statements

Gerardo Carrino, Founder of CostMusic Group, commented:

“We are excited to partner with Beasova Corporation, a leader in the global music industry. This collaboration will allow us to combine our strengths and resources to offer exceptional music experiences in India. Together, we will set new benchmarks in the music industry.”

Varun Krishna, Founder & CEO of Beasova Corporation, stated:

“Our partnership with CostMusic Group marks a significant milestone for Beasova Corporation. We are delighted to collaborate with such a prominent name in the Italian music industry. This partnership reflects our commitment to growth and our dedication to delivering exceptional music experiences to our audiences.”

Invitation to Record Labels and Artists

We invite all record labels and artists, both Indian and international, to connect with us and explore the exciting opportunities this partnership brings. Reach out to us via our Instagram accounts @costmusic_records and @beasovacompany or contact us via email at [email protected] or [email protected] . Join us in our journey to create and share incredible music experiences globally.

Looking Ahead

This partnership is just the beginning of many exciting developments to come. CostMusic Group and Beasova Corporation are committed to building a strong presence in India, providing innovative music solutions, and enhancing the overall music experience for their audiences.

About CostMusic Group

Founded by Gerardo Carrino, CostMusic Group is a leading music company in Italy, known for its excellence in music production, distribution, and live events. The company is committed to delivering high-quality music experiences to its audience.

About Beasova Corporation

Founded in 2024 by Varun Krishna, Beasova Corporation is an international organization with a diverse portfolio, including Beasova Music, Beasova Tech, Beasova Events, and more. Beasova Corporation is dedicated to providing top-notch services and innovative solutions across various industries

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Beasova Corporation

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Varun Krishna
Beasova Corporation
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