Superman: Legacy: James Gunn dispels rumor of Daniel Craig being offered Lex Luthor and explains more about additional superhero characters

James Gunn continues to hear out fans’ concerns over his reported decisions and rumors about casting in his new Man of Steel-centric film.

As Kevin Smith has pointed out, James Gunn is doing something unique in his position and continues to engage directly with the fans on social media by answering their inquiries. As more and more information on his new DC universe introductory film, Superman: Legacy, gets revealed, loyalists to the brand will naturally be curious as to where he’ll be taking his new direction. Gunn recently fielded questions about why he decided to include characters such as Hawkgirl, Mister Terrific, and Guy Gardner in his upcoming film, to which his reply was that they serve the story he wants to tell.

Recently, on Threads, a fan cited an article that claimed that the former 007 James Bond, Daniel Craig, was offered the Lex Luthor role in Superman: Legacy and asked Gunn if it was true, and Gunn was blunt in dispelling the story.

It was recently announced that Barry‘s breakout star, Anthony Carrigan, has been cast as Metamorpho. Fans showed their concern that the recent announcement of three additional superheroes being featured in the Superman reboot might make the new film crowded. A Threads user addressed to Gunn, “I’m a little worried the film will focus too much on setting up other superhero movies, will the other superheroes have a big impact on the story or will they just play a small part in the story. I still trust you’ll do something clever with it, because GOTG and TSS felt so disconnected from everything else in their franchises.” Gunn would respond, “l’ve never used one movie to set up another movie. The characters are there because they help to tell Superman’s story better, not so we can set up separate projects in the franchise. Superman and Lois are the very clear protagonists.”

Superman: Legacy is also reportedly not intending to be another origin story, as every new incarnation details Clark Kent’s rise to his calling. Although Gunn already addressed the addition of multiple superhero characters, all with their distinct backgrounds, a fan wanted Gunn to elaborate on how cramming more would help serve his story. A fan asked, “But can you elaborate a little more on how including all these heroes is going to help tell Superman’s story in this movie?” To which Gunn replied, “We’re entering a world where superheroes exist and have existed for quite a while. They’re a part of one side of his world just like Lois and Jimmy are a part of another.”

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