Free Movie of the Day: Sci-fi thriller Agent: Intelligence

The Free Movie of the Day on the JoBlo Movies YouTube channel today is the sci-fi thriller Agent: Intelligence

On the JoBlo Movies YouTube channel, we will be posting one full movie every other day throughout the week, giving viewers the chance to watch them entirely free of charge. The Free Movie of the Day we have for you today is the sci-fi thriller Agent: Intelligence. You can watch it over on the YouTube channel linked above, or you can just watch it in the embed at the top of this article.

Written and directed by Derek Ting, Agent: Intelligence (which is also simply known as Agent) has the following synopsis: A group of friends go to the desert for a gun instruction course and accidentally unleash a power so great it overwhelms them where they must choose between family and friends versus the fate of the world.

Ting stars in the film alongside Marikah Cunningham, Eric Keitel, Olivia Hultgren, Terrance Christopher Jones, Carole Weyers, Danny Parker-Lopes, Joe Fidler, Tim Garris, Urs Inauen, Anthony Oh, Stephen Dunford, Talia K. Dillingham, Thomas Vu, Joyce Yung, Bob Butler, Scott Chaffee, Nicole Bakirtjy, and Eric Mark.

Ting got his start in the entertainment industry with an acting role in the 2008 action thriller The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch, then wrote and appeared in the 2012 thriller Supercapitalist. He made his feature directorial debut with the 2015 romance Always. Agent: Intelligence was his second feature, and since making this one he has directed the short film Genie and made the 2021 Agent sequel Agent Revelation. Another sequel, Agent Evolution, is currently in post-production.

So take a look at Agent: Intelligence – it’s free! – then let us know what you thought of it by leaving a comment below or on the YouTube page. After you’ve seen this one, will you be watching the sequels?

The movies that have previously been featured as the Free Movies of the Day can be found at THIS LINK, and also on the JoBlo Movies YouTube channel.

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