Wondering ‘Now What?’ This Coach and Author Has the Answer

Wondering ‘Now What?’ This Coach and Author Has the Answer

Bret Magpiong

Bret Magopiong’s new book The Delta Theorem offers an innovative framework for being fully alive and truly wealthy

Bret Magpiong created The Delta Theorem to help anyone come alive with purpose, on purpose, through a process based on smarts and wisdom

The Delta Theorem helps each individual achieve their true, unique purpose and become more fully alive in the process. That’s the essence of being truly wealthy.””

— Bret Magpiong

REDONDO BEACH, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES , May 25, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The Great Resignation that gobbled up news headlines a couple of years ago focused on workers who left their jobs by the millions in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, leveraging the slower pace of life the health crisis created to assess what it was they really wanted to do with their lives.

But now a new kind of great resignation has hit many of them: feeling resigned to the sad reality that their efforts to find new passion and purpose in new career pursuits haven’t panned out as they hoped.

“Now what?” they are asking. Bret Magpiong has an answer.

A coach, adviser and longtime C-suite leader, Magpiong offers The Delta Theorem as the solution to the malaise and uncertainty so many are experiencing trying to find fulfillment in the next act of their lives.

“The Delta Theorem is a foolproof framework developed to help anyone come alive with purpose, on purpose,” he explains. “It’s not a quick fix or hack. It’s a process based on smarts and wisdom.

“By following it, we create value by being difference makers in our personal lives, our business lives and our community lives.”

At its root, The Delta Theorem, which Magpiong unpacks in his best-selling book of that title, defines what “true wealth” really means. And makes clear how anyone — financially well-off or not — can achieve it. He’s discarded the old, fragmented approaches to life that don’t work and replaced them with a clear, simple framework to describe, guide and align all of life’s important aspects — priorities, principles, passion, failure, and more.

“The Delta Theorem helps each individual achieve their true, unique purpose and become more fully alive in the process,” he says. “That’s the essence of being truly wealthy.”

In his book, The Delta Theorem, Magpiong unveils this innovative framework, which will help readers chip away their own mental “blocks” and:

• Discover and achieve what really matters.
• Simplify decisions that seem complicated.
• Take action on life’s important facets, such as relationships, health, spirit, and time.
• Make their own unique difference in the world.

“Everything we’ve experienced up to now informs what we experience from now forward,” he says. “Even those things we’ve viewed as holding us back, like past failures, can propel us forward.”

Magpiong notes that, in mathematics, a negative squared becomes a positive. The same holds true in life: what we’ve come to view as failures are a critical breeding ground for the successes that will give us professional and personal lives of consequence.

“We all want to make a difference, to leave a legacy we can be proud of,” he says. “The Delta Theorem is the blueprint for a personal Great Renaissance to make those dreams a reality.”

Gary Schneeberger
+1 818-309-8580
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/635844152/the-great-resignation-left-millions-with-a-new-resignation-wondering-now-what-this-coach-and-author-has-the-answer

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