“The Monkey Tree” by Michele Heeney explores humor, grief, reflection, anger, and curiosity through poetry

“The Monkey Tree” by Michele Heeney explores humor, grief, reflection, anger, and curiosity through poetry

The Monkey Tree

Michele Heeney


“The Monkey Tree” reflects Buddhist philosophy in the diverse viewpoints and bemused detachment that temper the primacy of the human ego

“The small poet
Takes the fine pen
To probe delicate nerves
Of invisible emotion…”

— excerpt from the book

CANTON, MASSACHUSETTS, USA, May 21, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “The Monkey Tree” by Michele Heeney is a published book, the fruit of the author’s dedication and passion. Author Reputation Press (AR Press) is honored to be the publisher of this insightful work. This published work is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARPress website.

Explore Michele Heeney’s depiction of The Monkey Tree’s recurrent themes through poetry and photography, including obsession, oppression, love, suffering, loss, and one’s own persistent self.

The author, Michele Heeney, has lived in Marin and Monterey counties of California and also in Maui, Hawaii. She now lives and writes in New Mexico. She was interviewed by Benji Cole from CBS Radio in the People of Distinction Program. The said program is one of the most extensive and wide-ranging radio shows in the United States. The radio program airs on Apple’s iTunes Radio Network (Professional News/Talk), featuring CBS Radio, Fox News, NPR, and C-Span.

Get to know more about the author and the work as you listen to the full interview below:


In partnership with Author Reputation Press, Michele Heeney held a successful book signing event during the 2024 Los Angeles Festival of Books (LATFOB) at the University of Southern California. The Los Angeles Times held its much-awaited annual Festival of Books on April 20–21, 2024.

The LATFOB is considered to be one of the world’s most significant literary gatherings. It has been held every year since 1996 with the goal of bringing together the people who create books and the people who love to read them. It is attended by more than 550 authors, celebrities, storytellers, and hundreds of exhibitors.

This masterpiece is a compilation of Michele’s poems throughout the years. It portrays different themes of Michele’s life, such as love, suffering, and loss. This masterpiece also tells a lot about Buddhism, which Michele studied for years in California and helped her with a lot of her personal problems.

In Heeney’s exploration of emotion, humor, grief, reflection, anger, and curiosity access the extraordinary and mundane—the monkey on everyone’s back. Buddhist philosophy is reflected in the diverse viewpoints and bemused detachment that temper the primacy of the human ego. This short work involves the reader both as an observer and participant.

Purchase “The Monkey Tree” by Michele Heeney via these links:

– Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/The-Monkey-Tree-Paperback-9798893304428/5432319615?from=/search

– ARP Website: https://authorreputationpress.com/bookstore/the-monkey-tree/

– Amazon: https://shorturl.at/4raBM

– Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-monkey-tree-michele-heeney/1105808217?ean=9798893304428

AR Press is a leading publishing company located in Canton, Massachusetts. ARP is committed to transforming an author’s imagination into pages and helping them carve out a name for themselves in the literary world.

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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/713448191/the-monkey-tree-by-michele-heeney-explores-humor-grief-reflection-anger-and-curiosity-through-poetry

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