Once on a Path of Self Destruction Carved by Masculinity, Enby Author Celebrates Sobriety and Openness with New Book

Once on a Path of Self Destruction Carved by Masculinity, Enby Author Celebrates Sobriety and Openness with New Book

microcosms: poems, vignettes, thoughts & microstories from 2013-2017

Person in white t-shirt holds book in left hand, against their body.

microcosms: poems, vignettes, thoughts & microstories from 2013-2017

Author in black jacket, shirt and hat; black beard and glasses, stands against yellow background

andrw fx

Largely based on a meticulous Burroughs-esque cut/paste method, this curated collection from 2013-2017 comprises poems, vignettes, thoughts, and microstories.

You have to get out of control before you can get into it.”

— andrw fx

LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES, June 1, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — In their fourth book, andrw fx revisits their formative writing years. Largely based on a meticulous Burroughs-esque cut-and-paste method, this curated collection of works from 2013-2017 is made of poems, vignettes, thoughts, and microstories.

“Microcosms is a throwback in the spirit of youth’s indelible experience,” andrw says.

“It came to me leading up to my seventh year of sobriety, living openly as a queer person with a supportive and compassionate partner, that things have never been quite this good. And I revel in it—I truly do. There are at least as many pieces of me as days that I’ve lived existing across a linear narrative made of very real photos and film snippets and dialogues and audio, all playing at the same time in my mind; books, clothes, untouchable objects, drawings, tattoos, scars, songs, and old writing, among others.”

Their new book, microcosms: poems, vignettes, thoughts & microstories from 2013-2017, is available now in paperback.

Who should read this book?

Soaked in the spillings of shotgunned beers, dusted in amphetamine and pill crumbs, drained of dopamine, starved for affection, perpetually ineffectual, ill-humored, and violently cynical, this book quietly brawls with the coming of age of a late-blooming, vexed, and frightened creature. This book is for folks looking for an experimental experience, from a person wrestling with the squirming feeling of having read too much Bukowski and Kerouac in the name of romanticizing the abuse of drugs and of people in an effort to make the narrative of a “man” fit into a body and mind ill-fit for it. For those who can see that putting yourself on blast can be a way to reason with your suffering and need for recompense.

“All of this writing has been hanging over me,” andrw adds, “yearning to be otherwise burned or seen. The need to pretend to be hypersexual, or sexual at all, to be a man in the eyes of others hurt me in ways that I’m still confronting in therapy. Putting this book out into the world now, after so many years, is a testament to however close I can get to the idea of closure. It is otherwise a redemption of my own self: amnesty for the wounded animal of my young soul.”

Primary Process Archive, andrw’s own sound art label and book imprint, published this book.

andrw’s book is dedicated as follows: “For the pieces of me held in rooms I’ll never see again.”

What’s next for andrw fx?

andrw is currently working on two novellas and a musical slated for release in 2024.

Questions and Interviews

andrw fx is available for interviews to discuss their new book, as well as speaking engagements, and bookstore events.


To get in touch, email [email protected]

Author and Book Photos

Download high-resolution author photos here and book photos here.

About andrw fx

andrw fx is a contemporary artist who works in fiction, sound, illustration, assemblage, painting, and other media. Their work’s objective is to navigate trauma and subvert traditions and limitations of ghosts and harbingers alike.

They make their home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with their partner, cat children, and robot vacuum.

Website: www.andrwfx.com

You can get this book and more here.

andrw fx
primary process archive
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/636260148/once-on-a-path-of-self-destruction-carved-by-masculinity-enby-author-celebrates-sobriety-and-openness-with-new-book

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