New Podcast Supports Mission of World Health Day and Healthcare Workers Worldwide

New Podcast Supports Mission of World Health Day and Healthcare Workers Worldwide

Arleen Smith, Host and Founder of Healing the Hearts of Healthcare

Arleen Smith, Host and Founder of Healing the Hearts of Healthcare, while serving as a nurse in senior living during the COVID pandemic

Arleen Smith, Host and Founder of Healing the Hearts of Healthcare, while serving as a nurse in senior living during the COVID pandemic

Healing the Hearts of Healthcare logo

Healing the Hearts of Healthcare logo

Nurse and Healthcare Expert is Launching New Initiative to Support Healthcare Workers in Need of Emotional Healing

Because healthcare workers are exposed to pain and suffering daily, they must see that they are not alone in the way they feel. The work they do is meaningful and soul-filling purposeful work.”

— Arleen Smith, Founder, Healing the Hearts of Healthcare

NEPTUNE, NJ, USA, April 4, 2024 / — In celebration of World Health Day on April 7, 2024, Arleen Smith, BSN, RN, former front-line Registered Nurse and now Nurse Educator Consultant, launches the podcast, Healing the Hearts of Healthcare. The World Health Organization is committed to ensuring every person in the world has the right to safe, quality care without any discrimination and this year’s theme for World Health Day is “My Heart, My Right.”

The global pandemic overwhelmed healthcare systems, altered healthcare delivery services and had a psychological effect on the workforce. Healing the Hearts of Healthcare aims to offer a new beacon of hope to empower healthcare workers in their journey of healing their own hearts from what they witnessed.

“The launch of this podcast on World Health Day signifies the important role healthcare workers play in care delivery. Healthcare workers heal others every single day. They must learn how to heal their own hearts, so they can continue to do the great work they do every single day–which is caring for others” Smith states.

“This idea of Healing the Hearts of Healthcare was placed on my heart after I reviewed my journal writings as a Registered Nurse who served during the pandemic, and as a Leadership & Engagement Consultant.” Smith said. “Because healthcare workers are exposed to pain and suffering daily, they must see that they are not alone in the way they feel. They must receive hope that the work they do is meaningful and soul-filling purposeful work. That with inspiration and encouragement, and looking at challenges in a different way they can continue to show up each day ready to do the work they were designed to do.”

Healing the Hearts of Healthcare stands as a testament to the resilience and undying spirit of those in the medical field. Recognizing the immense sacrifices made by healthcare workers, this podcast aims to be a sanctuary of support and guidance. It provides a platform where stories of struggle and triumph are shared, offering insights and expert advice tailored to the unique needs of caregivers.

“The podcast delves deep into the core of what it means to be a healthcare worker in these trying times. By fostering a community of empathy and understanding, it seeks to remind caregivers of their intrinsic commitment to compassionate care.” Smith continues. “It’s more than just a series of conversations; it’s a movement toward self-discovery, self-reflection, and self-compassion. Here, caregivers will find practical strategies for healing and self-care, learn to reframe their experiences and be inspired to reach their highest potential.”

Each episode is crafted to resonate with the hearts of its listeners, featuring heartfelt dialogues, inspiring narratives, and simple yet effective approaches to personal well-being. Healing the Hearts of Healthcare is not just a podcast; it’s a journey toward renewal and empowerment.

Smith and Healing the Hearts of Healthcare invite all healthcare workers globally, whether you worked during the pandemic, or you are just starting out to join us in this transformative experience. Their goal is to help healthcare workers find hope, get inspired, and be a part of a transformative journey with Healing the Hearts of Healthcare.

To support leaders of healthcare workers, Smith has also launched Healing the Hearts of Healthcare: Leadership. Smith believes that, “every day leaders play a crucial role in inspiring and motivating healthcare workers to achieve their highest potential. Once a leader learns how to use the tools in their toolbox to support, grow, and retain the healers of others, they can help them connect their passion to purpose.” Smith plans to launch subsequent podcasts and create the space for self-discovery, self-compassion, and self-development to teach healthcare workers and healthcare leaders ways to be the best version of themselves.

In addition to being a nurse educator and a podcast host, Smith is also a professional public speaking advocate who has a number of keynote addresses and workshops intended to inspire people to achieve excellence and professional satisfaction through the work they were meant to do — healing others. Arleen also has plans to write a book using her journal entries while serving during the pandemic.

Arleen Smith, BSN, RN, is a nurse educator and professional public speaker and former leadership and engagement consultant with over 30 years experience in the healthcare industry. Arleen brings over 15 years of hospital, travel and long-term care nursing experience. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Arleen’s area of expertise is motivating and inspiring others to achieve their highest potential through leadership, coaching and performance management. Arleen’s launch of her podcast Healing the Hearts of Healthcare was designed to support healthcare workers who might be struggling with their decision to continue to work in the field of caregiving.

Arleen Smith, BSN, RN is available for interview at:

Arleen Smith, RN, BSN
Founder, Healing the Hearts of Healthcare
[email protected]

Arleen Smith
Healing the Hearts of Healthcare
[email protected]
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