New book released: Battle for Redemption

New book released: Battle for Redemption

Author Kenyon Glover

Kenyon Glover Author Faithful and Focused Book

Kenyon Glover Author Faithful and Focused Book

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Kenyon Glover featured in Cheaper 2 Keep Her

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New Book Rebirth & Resurrection Faith & Focused by Kenyon Glover

New Book Rebirth & Resurrection Faith & Focused by Kenyon Glover

After being defeated, broken, hopeless and suicidal, author Kenyon Glover is a man Resurrected to being a World Changer.

Allow your pain to push you to your purpose”

— Kenyon Glover

DALLAS, TX, USA, June 15, 2023/ — “There will be times when you fall down in life over and over and over again. And you are going to feel like you just don’t have the strength to keep getting back up. Discouragement is going to continue to haunt you day in and day out. I believe we all will encounter moments where we want to truly give up and just throw in the towel and completely quit. I’ve learned that we can’t make a permanent decision over a temporary circumstance. Every battle we go through is meant to strengthen us, not to defeat us. Every trial and tribulation we face is not meant to destroy you but to empower you. Every struggle that God allows in our lives is his way of pushing what’s on the inside of us, out. Sometimes we need to experience some pain and some hurt in order for us to realize how strong we really are. We can not reach our destiny without it. We can not become everything that God has created us to be without enduring through the storms of life. But you need to know that before you can truly come into the light, you have to go through the darkness.

I would not be the man I am today if I had not went through those valleys of darkness, those valleys of defeat, those valleys of depression, those valleys of pain and hurt, those valleys of struggles, sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness. I’ve attempted suicide on 4 different occasions, but by the grace, mercy and unconditional love of my Heavenly Father, I am still standing and standing as strong as I could have ever imagined. And I am truly grateful that God saved me, restored me, redeemed me and resurrected me to a new man. I am now a man that has a passion to empower, inspire, uplift and encourage people all over the world to become the greatest version of themselves that they can possibly be.

You see we were not created to be anything less than GREAT. We were created to be conquerors, to be successful, to be mighty people of God out here standing on truth, honesty, integrity, power, boldness, confidence, strength, overcomers, achievers, leaders and most importantly, Love. So I want to encourage you to stay hungry to be the best version of yourself that you were created to be and never, ever settle for anything less. Keep dreaming big. Keep believing in yourself. Keep believing that God has a purpose for you. If you are reading this, then that means that God is not done with you yet. He still wants to use you for HIS ultimate purpose. So stay faithful and stay focused. Appreciate where you are right now in your journey, even it its not where you want to be, because every season serves its purpose. Sometimes it takes being in the darkness to break out and discover your light.”

Kenyon prays this message has truly spoken to your spirit and has awaken something in you that will push you to your greatness.

Kenyon Glover
Faithful & Focused Ministries
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