New Book Explores the Intersection of Faith, Sex, and Recovery

New Book Explores the Intersection of Faith, Sex, and Recovery

PHOENIX, AZ, UNITED STATES, March 14, 2024 / — In his latest book, “Faith & Sex: Toward a Better Understanding of Recovery, Being, Relationship, and God,” Steven Luff delves into the neurobiological roots of emotions and their connection to faith and community. He challenges the notion that religious beliefs are barriers to emotional health, suggesting instead that they can be powerful tools for understanding and regulating our emotions.

Luff argues that for many individuals, especially those in religious communities, feelings of unworthiness or disconnection from God can lead to behaviors such as substance abuse or sexual acting out. He suggests that these behaviors may actually be attempts to manage deep-seated emotions like anxiety and depression, which are often rooted in past traumas or stressful environments.

Drawing on his background in theology and psychology, Luff proposes a new approach to understanding and addressing these issues. He emphasizes the importance of integrating religious beliefs with an understanding of neurobiology, recognizing that individuals may have unique responses to stressors and traumas based on their past experiences.

To learn more about Luff’s insights, tune in to his interview on , or visit

About Steven A. Luff, M.DIV., M.A.:
Steven A. Luff is a theologian and psychologist with a passion for understanding the intersection of faith, emotions, and recovery. He has authored several books and articles on the subject and is a sought-after speaker in religious and academic circles.

About Resiliency Within:
“Resiliency Within,” hosted by Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, explores the theme of hope, healing, and resiliency in the face of trauma and adversity. Miller-Karas, a renowned trauma therapist and advocate, interviews global leaders in the field of resilience, sharing their insights and strategies for building individual and community resiliency.

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