Foretelling Jacob’s Trouble – whose side are you on?

Foretelling Jacob’s Trouble – whose side are you on?

Foretelling Jacob’s Trouble: Whose side are you on?

The real origin, and final outcome, of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.

Unveils the overarching spiritual battle for Jerusalem, and explains the necessary legal framework that will deliver everlasting peace, despite fierce opposition.”

— R C Black (Author)

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM, March 30, 2024 / — Author R C BLACK presents details on the ancient spiritual battle for Jerusalem and world domination, and shows how it affects us all.

Watch a 2-minute Trailer Video, introduction to the book: Foretelling Jacob’s Trouble: whose side are you on?

Who has not wondered what’s really happening in Israel and Gaza, or why a peaceful solution appears so difficult? Why is the world so divided, taking sides with either Israel or Palestine?

Foretelling Jacob’s Trouble: whose side are you on? digs deep into these questions, with stirring results. While the battle is spiritual, and Jerusalem is the focus, readers will discover the extent to which we are all impacted, and play a part. The realm of mankind is not just observed by spiritual beings; rather, we play a central role in an epic battle that is in plain sight, yet mysteriously hidden.

Man is naturally attracted to the ubiquitous ‘Babylonian’ world system, yet subtly taken captive by it, unwittingly performing Satan’s will, in pursuit of his stated goal, to rule the earth from Jerusalem. The book corroborates historical record with the foretold progression of civilization and empires, from ancient Babylon to current times, culminating in the fast-approaching Apocalypse, and victory of good over evil.

Jacob was renamed Israel, and became a nation who entered a legally binding agreement with God, which offered reward for obedience, punishment for transgression, and a remedy for breach. This remedy ensured a believing faithful remnant has always survived, as will be the case in the latter days, during a prophesied time called “Jacob’s trouble”, in which both Jerusalem and Mystery Babylon will fall.

R C BLACK presents the facts, and calls all to read the evidence for themselves, not just concerning the disturbing future history of Jacob’s trouble, but the reality of the great Alpha and Omega, who planned and foretold the end from the beginning, and whose eternal kingdom of righteousness, love, joy, and peace will be established as written, despite opposition. Crucially, the relevance for today is clearly articulated; providing readers with spiritual light and food for thought, as they consider whose side they are on.

Available on Kindle, Paperback and Hardback at Amazon, and all major bookstores. Audible version planned for later this year.

R C Black
KT P&P Publishing
+44 7493 112872
[email protected]

Book – Video Trailer

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