Anhydrous Milk Fat Market: Exploring a 6.3% Growth and Nutritional Trends Projecting USD 5.2 Billion by 2034

The Anhydrous milk fat Market is expected to experience rapid growth propelled by the great alternative for traditional fats, and sustainability driving market expansion, and meeting diverse consumer demands.

NEWARK, Del, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Anhydrous milk fat Market is estimated to reach a market valuation of USD 2.8 billion in 2024. Over the Forecast period (2024 to 2034) Baby food products demand is expected to grow at 6.3% CAGR. By 2034 the total market is projected to reach USD 5.2 billion valuations.

The usage of fats in food perception has been a growth factor for the food industry. The nutrition of daily beverages serves as a pivotal product-intrinsic sensory signal, significantly influencing people’s judgments of flavor and taste. Historical practices involved enhancing fats sourced from premium quality of milk. However, the industrialization of milk fat production necessitated reliable and shelf-stable products across all batches.

In recent years, digitization has fuelled rapid expansion across industries globally. The widespread adoption of digitization in the global economy has led to significant growth. Anhydrous milk fat producers leverage online channels for promotion and sales due to the increasing use of the internet and the simplicity of online transactions among consumers. Online merchants are favored by the majority of consumers, driving businesses to establish a strong online presence. Furthermore, emerging trends include specialty stores and bakery and confectionary as additional avenues for reaching consumers.

Cultural preferences and mouth-feeling experience of dairy products are generally major factors for the rising consumption of milk fat. Products are usually made from full cream milk and thickeners which can be helpful in the improvement of shelf stability.

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Key Takeaways from the Anhydrous milk fat Market Report:

  • Regularity to changing consumer preferences has led to these manufacture’s reformulating products.
  • Dairy Farmers of America and Fonterra are two of the major players in the AMF industry, and they are considering upgrading production to meet the growing demand globally.
  • Manufacturers are turning their attention to improving nutritive value of foods, precipitating such aspects as higher vitamin content and indispensably, calcium.
  • Regional producers are finding a foothold because of focusing on the target communities; appealing to their cultural and dietary needs.
  • One of the major reasons that make the future development of anhydrous milk fats possible is the developing plant-based diet trend.

“Brands that deliver convenience, value and quality to pet owners at competitive prices will have a competitive advantage and emerge as a leader in the industry.”, says a lead analyst at Future Market Insights”, says Nandini Roy Choudhury, Client Partner at Future Market Insights.

Anhydrous Milk Fat Market: Exploring a 6.3% Growth and Nutritional Trends Projecting USD 5.2 Billion by 2034

Who is Winning?

The global Anhydrous milk fat market encompasses diversified product portfolios of several key manufacturers across the regions. Leading players in the industry are consistently focusing on increasing their revenue share. From raw material sourcing to converting them as a key ingredient for the end-user industry companies are striving to maintain their supply chain to keep themselves competitive. Key players are also focusing on creating their own raw material sources like exclusive dairy farms to reduce raw material expenses, and reduce the dependency on other resources, such strategies leveraging them to maintain their cash flow and increase the overall growth and revenue.

Leading Manufacturers

  • Dairy Farmers of America
  • Fonterra
  • LACTALIS Ingredients
  • Saputo Dairy Australia Pty Ltd.
  • Synlait Milk Limited
  • Westland Milk Products
  • Meadow Foods
  • Friesland Campina
  • Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Limited

Get More Valuable Insights

Future Market Insights (FMI), in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the global Caffeine Mints market presenting historical demand data (2019 to 2023) and forecast statistics for the period from 2024 to 2034.

The study incorporates compelling insights on the Anhydrous milk fat market based on Grade (Fat Content 99.8% and Fat Content 99.3%), by packaging format (Tote, Drum, Boxed Bag and Pail), Applications (Bakery, Confectionery, Soups & Sauces, Dairy and Desserts, Snacks, and Others) across various regions.

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Key Segments of the Report

By Grade:

Two different grades (Fat Content 99.8% and Fat Content 99.3%) are included in the report.

By Packaging Format:

Packaging formats like Tote, Drum, Boxed Bag and Pail are considered after the exhaustive research.

By End Use Application:

by application industry has been categorised into Bakery, Confectionery, Soups & Sauces, Dairy and Desserts, Snacks, and Others.

By Region:

Industry analysis has been carried out in key countries of North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania.

About the Food & Beverage Division at Future Market Insights (FMI)

FMI’s Food & Beverage team offers comprehensive business intelligence services, with a vast array of reports and data points analysed across 50+ countries over a decade. The team provides consulting services and end-to-end research, offering expert analysis, actionable insights, and strategic recommendations to clients worldwide. Contact them to explore how they can assist with your unique business intelligence needs.

Spanish Translation

Se estima que el mercado mundial  de grasa láctea anhidra  alcanzará una valoración de mercado de USD 2.8 mil millones en 2024. Durante el período de pronóstico (2024 a 2034), se espera que la demanda de productos alimenticios para bebés crezca a una tasa compuesta anual del 6,3%. Para 2034, se proyecta que el mercado total alcance valoraciones de USD 5.2 mil millones.

El uso de grasas en la percepción de los alimentos ha sido un factor de crecimiento para la industria alimentaria. La nutrición de las bebidas diarias sirve como una señal sensorial intrínseca fundamental del producto, que influye significativamente en los juicios de sabor y gusto de las personas. Las prácticas históricas implicaban mejorar las grasas procedentes de leche de primera calidad. Sin embargo, la industrialización de la producción de grasas lácteas exigió productos fiables y estables en almacenamiento en todos los lotes.

En los últimos años, la digitalización ha impulsado una rápida expansión en todas las industrias a nivel mundial. La adopción generalizada de la digitalización en la economía global ha generado un crecimiento significativo. Los productores de grasa láctea anhidra aprovechan los canales en línea para la promoción y las ventas debido al uso creciente de Internet y la simplicidad de las transacciones en línea entre los consumidores. Los comerciantes en línea son los favoritos de la mayoría de los consumidores, lo que impulsa a las empresas a establecer una fuerte presencia en línea. Además, las tendencias emergentes incluyen tiendas especializadas y panaderías y confiterías como vías adicionales para llegar a los consumidores.

Las preferencias culturales y la sensación en boca que transmiten los productos lácteos son, en general, factores importantes para el aumento del consumo de grasa láctea. Los productos suelen estar elaborados con leche entera y espesantes que pueden resultar útiles para mejorar la estabilidad de conservación. 

Conclusiones clave del informe de mercado de grasa láctea anhidra:

  • La regularidad en los cambios en las preferencias de los consumidores ha llevado a estos fabricantes a reformular sus productos.
  • Dairy Farmers of America y Fonterra son dos de los principales actores de la industria de AMF y están considerando mejorar la producción para satisfacer la creciente demanda a nivel mundial.
  • Los fabricantes están centrando su atención en mejorar el valor nutritivo de los alimentos, destacando aspectos como un mayor contenido de vitaminas y, fundamentalmente, calcio.
  • Los productores regionales están encontrando un punto de apoyo porque se centran en las comunidades objetivo y apelan a sus necesidades culturales y dietéticas.
  • Una de las principales razones que hacen posible el desarrollo futuro de grasas lácteas anhidras es la creciente tendencia hacia una dieta basada en plantas.

“Las marcas que ofrecen conveniencia, valor y calidad a los dueños de mascotas a precios competitivos tendrán una ventaja competitiva y surgirán como líderes en la industria”, dice un analista principal de Future Market Insights”, dice  Nandini Roy Choudhury ,  socio de clientes de Future Market Insights.

¿Quién está ganando?

El mercado mundial de grasas lácteas anhidras abarca carteras de productos diversificadas de varios fabricantes clave en todas las regiones. Los principales actores de la industria se centran constantemente en aumentar su participación en los ingresos. Desde la obtención de materias primas hasta su conversión como ingrediente clave para la industria del usuario final, las empresas se esfuerzan por mantener su cadena de suministro para seguir siendo competitivas. Los actores clave también se centran en crear sus propias fuentes de materias primas, como granjas lecheras exclusivas, para reducir los gastos de materias primas y reducir la dependencia de otros recursos, estrategias que aprovechan para mantener su flujo de caja y aumentar el crecimiento y los ingresos generales.

Fabricantes líderes

  • Productores de leche de América
  • Fonterra
  • Ingredientes de LACTALIS
  • Producto lácteo Saputo Australia Pty Ltd.
  • Leche Synlait limitada
  • Productos lácteos Westland
  • Alimentos de pradera
  • Campina de Frisia
  • Compañía Cooperativa de Productos Lácteos Tatua Limitada

Obtenga información más valiosa

Future Market Insights (FMI), en su nueva oferta, proporciona un análisis imparcial del mercado global de mentas con cafeína presentando datos históricos de demanda (2019 a 2023) y estadísticas de pronóstico para el período de 2024 a 2034.

El estudio incorpora información convincente sobre el mercado de grasa de leche anhidra en función del grado  ( contenido de grasa 99,8%  y  contenido de grasa 99,3% ) , por formato de empaque (bolsa tambor bolsa en caja y  balde  ), aplicaciones (panadería confitería sopas y salsas lácteos y postres bocadillos y   otros) en varias regiones.

Segmentos clave del informe

Por grado:

El informe incluye dos grados diferentes (contenido de grasa 99,8% y contenido de grasa 99,3%).

Por formato de embalaje:

Después de una investigación exhaustiva, se consideran formatos de embalaje como Tote, Drum, Boxed Bag y Pail.

Por aplicación de uso final:

Por aplicación, la industria se ha categorizado en panadería, confitería, sopas y salsas, lácteos y postres, snacks y otros.

Por región:

Se ha realizado un análisis de la industria en países clave de América del Norte, América Latina, Europa, Oriente Medio y África, Asia Oriental, Asia Meridional y Oceanía.

Acerca de la División de Alimentos y Bebidas de Future Market Insights (FMI)

El equipo de Alimentos y Bebidas de FMI ofrece servicios integrales de inteligencia empresarial, con una amplia gama de informes y puntos de datos analizados en más de 50 países durante una década. El equipo brinda servicios de consultoría e investigación integral, ofreciendo análisis expertos, información útil y recomendaciones estratégicas a clientes de todo el mundo. Comuníquese con ellos para descubrir cómo pueden ayudarlo con sus necesidades específicas de inteligencia empresarial.

Authored by: 

Nandini Roy Choudhury (Client Partner for Food & Beverages at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has 7+ years of management consulting experience. She advises industry leaders and explores off-the-eye opportunities and challenges. She puts processes and operating models in place to support their business objectives.   

She has exceptional analytical skills and often brings thought leadership to the table.  

Nandini has vast functional expertise in key niches, including but not limited to food ingredients, nutrition & health solutions, animal nutrition, and marine nutrients. She is also well-versed in the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, retail, and chemical sectors, where she advises market participants to develop methodologies and strategies that deliver results. 

Her core expertise lies in corporate growth strategy, sales and marketing effectiveness, acquisitions and post-merger integration and cost reduction. Nandini has an MBA in Finance from MIT School of Business. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University, India.  

Nandini has authored several publications, and quoted in journals including Beverage Industry, Bloomberg, and Wine Industry Advisor.

Explore FMI’s related ongoing Coverage in Food and Beverage Domain: 

The global non-fat dry milk market value is projected to increase from US$ 8.4 billion in 2023 to US$ 11.3 billion by 2033.

Sales of fat filled milk powder in Western Europe is expected to be US$ 1,182.60 million in 2023. In 2022, the demand was tipped to be US$ 1,136.36 million. 

The concentrated milk fat market value is projected to increase to US$ 9,651.8 million by 2033.

The global fat-filled milk powder market is expected to be valued at US$ 5 billion in 2023 and reach a valuation of US$ 8.8 billion by 2033.

Total revenue from the consumption of fat filled milk powder in Japan is poised to increase from US$ 90.18 million in 2023 to US$ 157.93 million by 2033. 

The global fat soluble vitamins market is poised to record a CAGR of 8.9% from 2022 to 2032, likely to garner a worth of US$ 384.5 billion by 2032, up from US$ 163.9 billion in 2022.

The global fat replacers market is expected to reach US$ 2.4 Billion in 2022, with sales growing at a CAGR of 6.2% over the assessment period, reaching US$ 4.5 Billion by 2032.

Over the projection period (2024 to 2034), global milk ingredients sales are projected to rise at a 4.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and reach an industry size of USD 118.7 billion by 2034-end.

The plant-based milk market is on its way to perceive escalation, from US$ 20.1 billion in 2024 up to US$ 47.9 billion by 2034. 

The flavored milk market is predicted to register a valuation of US$ 3,511.20 million in 2023, and is estimated to rise to US$ 6,529.38 million by 2033.

About Future Market Insights (FMI) 

Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of over 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries. 

Join us as we commemorate 10 years of delivering trusted market insights. Reflecting on a decade of achievements, we continue to lead with integrity, innovation, and expertise.

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