Amidst Global Work Shifts, “Bold” by Audrey D. Lloyd Champions a Revolutionary Blend of Self-Realization and Leadership

Amidst Global Work Shifts, “Bold” by Audrey D. Lloyd Champions a Revolutionary Blend of Self-Realization and Leadership

Bold: Rein In Your Mind, Reign in Your Career

Audrey Lloyd

5-Star Accolades

Embrace boldness and navigate the modern world with Audrey D. Lloyd’s insights into transformative leadership and self-growth.

It’s an empowering concept to know that you already have the recipe for success inside you—you just have to dig it out, cultivate it, and make it work for you in the world.”

— Reader Views

BRIDGEWATER, NJ, UNITED STATES, April 25, 2024 / — Audrey D. Lloyd’s innovative book “Bold: Rein in Your Mind, Reign in Your Career” breaks new ground as the first of its kind to fully articulate the many dimensions of being bold. Each chapter is a deep dive into the singular concept of boldness, unraveling an original framework for how individuals can apply these ideas innately and authentically. It’s a profound exploration of an inner stance that transforms lives.

Reflecting on the origins of “Bold,” Audrey D. Lloyd recounts a pivotal moment of clarity that spurred her journey and inspired her writings. “In the opening chapter of Bold, I share my realization and the specific situation that serves as the unlock moment. It was my moment of truth and awakening. Here is that excerpt: ‘No single defining event motivated me to search for bold. An accumulation of feelings and prior experiences drove me to the realization that I was not living the life I really wanted. I was not where I wanted to be in my career.”

Since its launch in 2022, “Bold” has made a silent global splash, influencing the themes and writing styles of numerous other works. Its underlying principles resonate globally, sparking inspiration far beyond what can be measured in reviews or awards. It’s a testament to the book’s depth and the significance of its impact that such recognition has manifested in the content of others. “Bold” has, in essence, become a touchstone for writers and thinkers in diverse fields, shaping the intellectual landscape in truly remarkable but often unspoken ways.

As the world contends with a seismic work revolution—marked by shifting attitudes and rapidly changing expectations—Lloyd’s “Bold” emerges as a timely manual for navigating these transformations. With over a quarter-century of experience as an executive change agent, coaching expert, and influential speaker on mindset and adaptation, Lloyd stands at the forefront of thought leadership in an uncertain time.

The International Coaching Federation has recognized “Bold” for its alignment with the very essence of coaching, signifying its role as a resource that echoes the standards of excellence in personal development and executive training.

Discover why a myriad of voices, from avid readers, esteemed book critics and reviewers, and industry insiders, all are praising Audrey D. Lloyd’s work as an indispensable guide for professional and personal growth. As evidenced by these snapshot endorsements, ‘BOLD’ resonates deeply across a diverse spectrum of readers:

“I like the author’s concept that each person can have success in an individual way—the journey is different for everyone. But if authenticity is what you crave, if understanding yourself and uncovering your true nature is important to you, you will love this book. It’s possible to be rewarded for who you are, for your special skills and unique talents. Lloyd teaches you how to make your uniqueness work for you. The more strategically you approach your career and your happiness, the more successful you will be.” – Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views

“Through BOLD: Rein in Your Mind, Reign in Your Career, Audrey D. Lloyd offers a blueprint for one’s career and daily living through her bold new way of thinking, speaking and showing up in all facets of life. As one of the book’s editors, I was captivated by her use of relevant and provocative anecdotes that exhibit the power of bold. Audrey’s book — indeed her philosophy — is a game changer, inspiring a fresh shift in how we conduct business and everyday interactions. This is a book that will continue to contribute to our ever-changing world through its timely and timeless content.” – Liz S., Retired HR Executive

“BOLD is an excellent resource to return to over and over during your career, especially when you’re faced with opportunities, challenges, or the proverbial fork in the road.” – Robert Caldera Managing Principal, Future|Shift Consulting

“BOLD is a book I didn’t know I needed. It gave me valuable insight on how to be strategic in how I navigated my workspace and my career. Audrey Lloyd is a gifted author and executive coach that provides all of her pearls of career wisdom in Bold. Reading this book and having her serve as my executive coach has changed my career trajectory for sure. Bold is a useful resource that I continue to refer to when I encounter challenges at work.” – Amazon Review

“The Concepts in BOLD are tied directly to the Leadership Concepts of my program. I invited Audrey in to focus us on a few of the concepts. She WOWed over 70 students in two sessions! And they want more. I recommend everyone, no matter what you are doing, think you want to do get this book. – Amazon Review

“BOLD thought provokingly asks questions that encourages self-reflect and ignites the desire to take action. The introduction of UPB (Unique Personal Brilliance) is a meaningful and impactful reminder that we should find our strengths and build on them. This also matters because it can positively impact business and goal completion. Are we products of nature or being nurtured? Bold suggests we are both and to own it through self-efficacy. The workbook portions force self-reflection and reminded me to Live the Dash.” – Amazon Review

BOLD: Rein in Your Mind, Reign in Your Career (ISBN 978-1637306598, New Degree Press 2022) is available at bookstores and online retailers. Take a journey of self-discovery with Audrey D. Lloyd’s transformative guide to unleashing your potential and achieving authentic success in both your career and personal life.


Audrey D. Lloyd, M.A. is a highly experienced change management and business transformation expert with over 25 years of global, corporate experience across diverse industries (e.g., life sciences/pharma, healthcare, consumer goods, financial services, and insurance). She is a gifted ICF-certified PCC executive coach and trusted thought partner to leaders at all levels, cross-functional teams, and private clients, globally.

As a mindset and “comeback” coach, Audrey is passionate about helping individuals and organizations break through to realize success and attain real and lasting progress.

Audrey is the author of “Bold: Rein in Your Mind, Reign in Your Career” (and Life), a seminal mindset and transformational book that helps individuals and organizations thrive within (and on the outside) in the face of uncertainty.

Audrey has earned a reputation for helping individuals unlock and elevate their careers and lives. She is known for helping individuals and workplaces gain greater clarity to close the gap between where they are today and where they want to be.

Her ability to listen, to sincerely connect at a deeply personal level, and to engage authentically are hallmarks of her coaching style. Audrey brings openness, warmth, realness, curiosity, and a deep reservoir of industry knowledge and modern wisdom to every coaching conversation.

Living up to the name “Scout” given by fellow coaches, Audrey’s intuitive and predictive nature only brings deeper credence to her ability to facilitate new possibilities. Her calling card and call to action is simply: Are you ready?


Learn more about Audrey Lloyd and her work at For those interested in individual/ group coaching or to arrange interviews and public speaking events with Lloyd, please reach out at [email protected].

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