Amateur Gardening Magazine Celebrates Its Big 140th Anniversary Edition in Style

Trends come and go, but the world’s oldest gardening magazine is back and positively blooming in its refreshed, fortnightly format.

DEVON, UNITED KINGDOM, May 1, 2024 / — The 11th May issue of AG (in shops from Tuesday 7th May) sees an important milestone for the world’s oldest (and friendliest) gardening magazine. Since re-launching last November after a flurry of media attention, the much-loved gardening magazine is going from strength-to-strength with award-winning environmental gardening journalist and entrepreneurial editor, Kim Stoddart at the helm.

Launched on the 3rd May 1884, Amateur Gardening has been supporting and encouraging families of gardeners for generations, giving its readers helpful, practical accessible advice, while celebrating the simple, yet profound pleasures of gardening.

This bumper birthday issue (with more content and three packets of free seed worth £8.50) features a strong family of expert contributors old and new and looks to the gardening past for inspiration for a more resilient and sustainable future for us all. Just some of the highlights include:

– Former AG deputy editor Alan Titchmarsh with a trip down memory lane special.

– Toby Buckland – the TV presenter, and all-round national treasure returns to the AG family fold.

– Horticulture Week magazine editor, Matthew Appleby writes about gardening trends through the ages.

Plus, the usual merry band of AG expert contributors including Ruth Hayes, Bob Flowerdew, Graham Clarke, Anne Swithinbank, Lucy Chamberlain, Val Bourne, Sue Bradley, Michael Perry, Beth Chatto Gardens, John Negus, Michael Palmer, Andrew Oldham and Adam Kirtland, Liz Zorab, Chris Collins and Garden Organic.

Editor Kim Stoddart explains: “ The flurry of media attention that the closure of this national gardening gem of a magazine generated in September last year helped capture the attention of Kelsey Media who stepped in to save it. I was thrilled and honoured to be chosen as the editor to take AG forward and to help ensure the magazine remains as relevant to gardeners today as it was 140 years ago. Gardening styles, attitudes and concerns may be very different now to what they were in 1884, but AG’s mission remains unchanged, to make gardening more rewarding and enjoyable for all its readers. The spirit of AG continues rejuvenated, working towards a brighter green future for us all, together. “

Former deputy editor Alan Titchmarsh MBE said; ’I was relieved and delighted when ‘AG’, as we always called it, was saved from extinction. I had happy years there, becoming Deputy Editor in 1978, and have always rated the quality of the contributors and the hands-on practicality of its advice. Congratulations on your 140th birthday ‘AG’ from an old and devoted admirer.

About Amateur Gardening magazine

The 140-year-old magazine was founded in London in 1884 by Shirley Hibberd. Notable writers for the magazine over the years have included gardening guru Alan Titchmarsh, who also served as deputy editor, Gardeners’ World presenters Monty Don, and Percy Thrower, Ground Force presenter Charlie Dimmock and Bob Flowerdew, Anne Swithinbank, and Peter Seabrook.

The magazine was closed in September 2023 and purchased by Kelsey Media in October after a flurry of high-profile coverage. The first relaunch issue was available November the 14th with award-winning journalist, Kim Stoddart as the new editor. This much-loved magazine is now published in a reinvigorated fortnightly format with extra pages, content and a double-pack of seeds as the cover gift to see it into its 140th year and beyond.

As the most down-to-earth magazine for keen gardeners everywhere, the team of experts provide warm, engaging content designed to connect with readers. As well as helping with the fortnightly tasks and ideas at hand, the magazine focus is now forward thinking with sustainability for all in mind.

About entrepreneurial editor, Kim Stoddart

Kim Stoddart has a strong background as both entrepreneur and editor which she brings to her role steering forward the good ship AG to ensure its relevance and robustness for the future.

She has been writing, teaching and talking about climate change resilient food growing for more than a decade and has written for most of the UK national press at one time or another including the Guardian, Gardeners’ World magazine, The RHS and BBC Radio 4.

Kim is a leading voice on climate change resilient gardening, an award-winning environment journalist, and the author of books including her latest, The Climate Change Resilient Vegetable Garden.

‘If there is a will, there is a way’ has long been one of my main mottos in life, so when I turned 50 last year and was approached by Kelsey to re-launch this fine magazine in record-breaking time, I jumped at the opportunity with gusto. I love a challenge and my entrepreneurial skills have come into play as much as my long-standing editing skills. I ended up thinking up article and contributor ideas in my sleep for the first few months as there wasn’t otherwise enough time in the day!”

I feel privileged to be here and I feel passionately about the rich opportunities for AG in the future. In lots of ways I feel like all my past experiences have led me here, and it does very much feel like coming home. “

About Kelsey Media

Kelsey Media was founded in 1989. Its portfolio consists of more than 80 multi-media brands, across print, events and digital, including Coast, The Country Smallholder and The Great Outdoors. The organisation is continually adapting to meet the rapidly evolving needs of its audience. Cutting-edge online platforms are a growing part of the business, and support highly engaged communities and apps that bring brands and their loyal communities to life.

Notes to editors

– For images or more information please contact Fran at [email protected] or 07895184395

– The website for Amateur Gardening is

Francijn Suermondt
Amateur Gardening
[email protected]

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