Dr. Victoria Mondloch Who Will Discuss Inflammatory Disorders and Collagen to be Featured on Close Up Radio

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, UNITED STATES, June 6, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — While there are many factors like diet and exercise that can influence a healthy weight, there are other factors that come into play, particularly for women of a certain age. Underlying hormonal imbalances can make it difficult to stay within goals and even wreak havoc with the body. From water retention and insulin resistance to a wide array of auto-immune diseases, our bodies react to what we eat, how we live, and even the pollutants we breathe in.

According to Victoria J Mondloch, a foresighted doctor and subject matter expert on hormones, there is one resounding answer to the question how to stay in fighting shape? Mondloch says Collagen can help us better stave off Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, edema, and many other inflammatory occurrences. She also knows that Collagen is key in keeping our eyes and skin free of airborne toxins. Collagen, she notes, is also a way to improve the way oxygen is absorbed and distributed throughout body tissues and thus, improve brain function in older folks.. And Collagen can even help people look and feel about 15 years younger. Particularly if one uses the optimal collagen formula.

In the month of June, Mondloch will talk with Close Up hosts about various collagen products, what they are, where to find them, and how to use these remarkable ingredients to build a stronger, more improved body. She will also address another benefit of collagen, for a more youthful glow and healthier infrastructure.

“Is collagen really GOAT?,” she asks, referring to the acronym for a product that is deemed Greatest of All Time!. “Well, I guess people will have to listen and hear more and make their own informed decision.”

Victoria Mondloch has appeared often on Close Up Radio, discussing different health issues and aspects of her work as a practitioner and author. She has written two top-selling books and numerous articles about hormone balancing and its benefits to women’s health at various stages of life—from puberty through menopause and after. She has also been a source of medical wisdom and keen attention for patients in the Midwest (and beyond) who have diagnoses and concerns that the other doctors may have waved off. Victoria Mondloch is also her own best testimonial, as she has great skin, youthful energy, and is free of menopausal plagues. all despite her true age.

This is a unique and must-hear month of shows for anyone who is intrigued by collagen and wants to explore further. Victoria Mondloch will talk about Bella Grace, a high-quality and efficacy lifestyle brand, and its line of new/existing collagen-based products to help people stay fresh and healthy. She has become an influencer for this burgeoning brand and will invite listeners to take part in its meteoric rise.

Close Up Radio will feature Victoria J Mondloch in Interviews every Tuesday in June at 12:00 noon—on the 6th 13th, 20th and 27th — with Jim Masters.

Listen to the shows on BlogTalkRadio

For more information on these leading-edge wellness products, inquire by e-mail [email protected] or visit www.victoriajmondlochmd.com

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/637893522/dr-victoria-mondloch-who-will-discuss-inflammatory-disorders-and-collagen-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio

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